The International Consortium on Governmental Financial Management, Inc. (ICGFM), a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership association, is unique in the financial management community. Established in 1978, a distinguished and international group of financial management professionals from government and academia recognized the need for the various financial practitioners to engage in dialogue about their perspectives for improving government financial management. ICGFM became, and remains, the first "umbrella" organization whose members include government entities, private firms, professional associations and university departments as well as individuals devoted to improving financial management.



To be the premier global resource advancing the dynamic profession of public financial management to create value for citizens and protect the public interest.

(Citizens = people    Public interest = people + institutions + government)



ICGFM fosters strong and effective stewardship of public funds and assets that earns and sustains the trust of citizens around the world.  Through advocacy, education, and awareness, ICGFM promotes best practices in public financial management globally.



  • Diversity  diverse perspectives, diverse countries, diverse languages, diverse specialties.
    • Achieved through expanded membership and events.
  • Respect – respect for people, respect for ideas, respect for the weight of the position.
    • Achieved through a commitment by individual members and organizational and sustaining member representatives every year when they renew membership. 
  • Ethics – high ethical standards by all members.
    • Achieved through a commitment by members to maintain the highest ethical standards every year when they renew membership.  (Practically, checking a box with a commitment to uphold ICGFM values.)
  • Professionalism  continual improvement in the profession and high professional standards.
    • Achieved through ICGFM activities and representatives.
  • Dynamism – responsive to changes and facilitating innovation.
    • Achieved through events and discussion forums focused on innovation, as well as regular polling of members to identify changes in needs and in the PFM landscape.
  • Accessibility – easily accessible for everyone to participate in ICGFM activities.
    • Achieved through events, communications, and services that reflect the different time zones, locations, and languages of ICGFM members.



  • Awareness – Collecting, creating, and distributing information about PFM best practices around the world.
  • Education – Building individual and organizational capacity through training and collaborative events.
  • Advocacy – advocating for the value of PFM in global governance, and for PFM professionals to be at the right hand of the decision makers.
    • Achieved through active promotion within and outside of the organization and engagement with IFAC, IPSASB, the Africa Professionalization Initiative, and other relevant initiatives advocating for the profession.